Biology specimen 2022/



Specimen A - Weevil-damaged bean seed
Specimen B - Viable bean seed 
Specimen C - Dried maize grain soaked in water overnight
Specimen D - Soldier termite (dead)
Specimen E - Honeybee (dead)
Specimen F - Muddy water (in a test tube) 
Specimen G - Lower jaw of a herbivore with teeth intact


Specimen H - Head of domestic fowl (complete)
Specimen J - Quill feather
Specimen K - Leg of domestic fowl (complete) Specimen L - Head of duck complete)
Specimen M - Leg of duck (complete)

NOTE:  All specimens can be provided as group specimens for five (5) to ten (10) candidates

  All specimens in each group must carry individual labels

(eg A, B, C, D, E, F and G in Group I). It is essential that each candidate should be provided with the following materials:

(i) glass jar cover Petri dish;
(ii) white tiles.
(iii) beaker
(iv) a hand lens/magnifying lens 
(v) scalpel/razor blade/knife,
(vi) a pair of forceps
(vii) lodine solution

*For the Biology Practical  questions and answers, send 300 MTN card, your name and subject to 08114986428*
