Examination in flying colors After laying hold on the timetable, There are some others things that you need to put in place to guaranty your success in this exam. They include
* Never Allow Pain to engulf your Heart:
A common error made by some WAEC Candidate is based on this fear of passing the exam
This is a very bad way to approah This exam. Irrespective of how prepared you're pior to this exam, you will definitely fail it if you panic while writing the examination
If you want to come out with flying colors in yr WAEC examination, you must deal with fear in other to succeeded in yr
* Start Reading As Early a Possible
Through there is no specific time to start reading for WAEC exam, ensure that you begin yr preparation as soon as possible. Many candidate usually wait till after examination is release before they start reading, which is one of the reasons why most of the candidate fail after the whole thing they have done in the examination period, and which is not proper way to repeat yr WAEC writing next year.
* Avoiding Examination Malpractice
Many of the candidate fail exam of their preparation and to studies is not beneficial to them, they depend on Malpractice form of writing exam and the trust in the smartness and Malpractice can help them passing their examination. Malpractice is a crime and also a corruption and it will definitely give you poor grade in yr examination if u are fortunately caught
* Use The WAEC Syllabus as your
Study Guide to ensure that you don't study off point, the examination Council has prepared as syllabus which comprise of the topic where exam will set. So learn to study with her it if you must come out in flying colors.
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